Conditional Modifiers


Applies the given function every n cycles, starting from the last cycle.

  • n (number): how many cycles
  • func (function): function to apply
note("c3 d3 e3 g3").lastOf(4, x=>x.rev())


Applies the given function every n cycles, starting from the first cycle.

  • n (number): how many cycles
  • func (function): function to apply
note("c3 d3 e3 g3").firstOf(4, x=>x.rev())


Applies the given function whenever the given pattern is in a true state.

  • binary_pat (Pattern):
  • func (function):
"c3 eb3 g3".when("<0 1>/2", x=>x.sub("5")).note()


Synonyms: slowChunk, slowchunk

Divides a pattern into a given number of parts, then cycles through those parts in turn, applying the given function to each part in turn (one part per cycle).

    "0 1 2 3".chunk(4, x=>x.add(7))


    Synonyms: chunkback

    Like chunk, but cycles through the parts in reverse order. Known as chunk' in tidalcycles

      "0 1 2 3".chunkBack(4, x=>x.add(7))


      Synonyms: fastchunk

      Like chunk, but the cycles of the source pattern aren't repeated for each set of chunks.

        "<0 8> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
        .fastChunk(4, x => x.color('red')).slow(2)


        Selects indices in in stacked notes.

          note("<[c,eb,g]!2 [c,f,ab] [d,f,ab]>")
          .arp("0 [0,2] 1 [0,2]")

          arpWith πŸ§ͺ

          Selects indices in in stacked notes.

            note("<[c,eb,g]!2 [c,f,ab] [d,f,ab]>")
            .arpWith(haps => haps[2])


            Applies the given structure to the pattern:

                .struct("x ~ x ~ ~ x ~ x ~ ~ ~ x ~ x ~ ~")


              Returns silence when mask is 0 or "~"

                note("c [eb,g] d [eb,g]").mask("<1 [0 1]>")


                Resets the pattern to the start of the cycle for each onset of the reset pattern.

                  s("[<bd lt> sd]*2, hh*8").reset("<x@3 x(5,8)>")


                  Restarts the pattern for each onset of the restart pattern. While reset will only reset the current cycle, restart will start from cycle 0.

                    s("[<bd lt> sd]*2, hh*8").restart("<x@3 x(5,8)>")



                    Synonyms: inv

                    Swaps 1s and 0s in a binary pattern.

                      s("bd").struct("1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0".lastOf(4, invert))


                      Picks patterns (or plain values) either from a list (by index) or a lookup table (by name). Similar to inhabit, but maintains the structure of the original patterns.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):
                      note("<0 1 2!2 3>".pick(["g a", "e f", "f g f g" , "g c d"]))
                      sound("<0 1 [2,0]>".pick(["bd sd", "cp cp", "hh hh"]))
                      sound("<0!2 [0,1] 1>".pick(["bd(3,8)", "sd sd"]))
                      s("<a!2 [a,b] b>".pick({a: "bd(3,8)", b: "sd sd"}))


                      The same as pick, but if you pick a number greater than the size of the list, it wraps around, rather than sticking at the maximum value. For example, if you pick the fifth pattern of a list of three, you'll get the second one.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):


                      pickF lets you use a pattern of numbers to pick which function to apply to another pattern.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • lookup (Pattern): a pattern of indices
                      • funcs (Array.<function()>): the array of functions from which to pull
                      s("bd [rim hh]").pickF("<0 1 2>", [rev,jux(rev),fast(2)])
                      note("<c2 d2>(3,8)").s("square")
                          .pickF("<0 2> 1", [jux(rev),fast(2),x=>x.lpf(800)])


                      The same as pickF, but if you pick a number greater than the size of the functions list, it wraps around, rather than sticking at the maximum value.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • lookup (Pattern): a pattern of indices
                      • funcs (Array.<function()>): the array of functions from which to pull


                      Similar to pick, but the choosen pattern is restarted when its index is triggered.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):


                      The same as pickRestart, but if you pick a number greater than the size of the list, it wraps around, rather than sticking at the maximum value.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):
                      "<a@2 b@2 c@2 d@2>".pickRestart({
                            a: n("0 1 2 0"),
                            b: n("2 3 4 ~"),
                            c: n("[4 5] [4 3] 2 0"),
                            d: n("0 -3 0 ~")


                      Similar to pick, but the choosen pattern is reset when its index is triggered.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):


                      The same as pickReset, but if you pick a number greater than the size of the list, it wraps around, rather than sticking at the maximum value.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):


                      Synonyms: pickSqueeze

                      /** * Picks patterns (or plain values) either from a list (by index) or a lookup table (by name). Similar to pick, but cycles are squeezed into the target ('inhabited') pattern.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):
                      "<a b [a,b]>".inhabit({a: s("bd(3,8)"),
                                                b: s("cp sd")
                      s("a@2 [a b] a".inhabit({a: "bd(3,8)", b: "sd sd"})).slow(4)


                      Synonyms: pickmodSqueeze

                      The same as inhabit, but if you pick a number greater than the size of the list, it wraps around, rather than sticking at the maximum value. For example, if you pick the fifth pattern of a list of three, you'll get the second one.

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):


                      Pick from the list of values (or patterns of values) via the index using the given pattern of integers. The selected pattern will be compressed to fit the duration of the selecting event

                      • pat (Pattern):
                      • xs (*):
                      note(squeeze("<0@2 [1!2] 2>", ["g a", "f g f g" , "g a c d"]))

                      After Conditional Modifiers, let’s see what Accumulation Modifiers have to offer.