Tonal Functions

These functions use tonaljs to provide helpers for musical operations.


Turns chord symbols into voicings. You can use the following control params:

  • chord: Note, followed by chord symbol, e.g. C Am G7 Bb^7
  • dict: voicing dictionary to use, falls back to default dictionary
  • anchor: the note that is used to align the chord
  • mode: how the voicing is aligned to the anchor
    • below: top note <= anchor
    • duck: top note <= anchor, anchor excluded
    • above: bottom note >= anchor
  • offset: whole number that shifts the voicing up or down to the next voicing
  • n: if set, the voicing is played like a scale. Overshooting numbers will be octaved

All of the above controls are optional, except chord. If you pass a pattern of strings to voicing, they will be interpreted as chords.

    n("0 1 2 3").chord("<C Am F G>").voicing()

    Here’s an example of how you can play chords and a bassline:

    chord("<C^7 A7b13 Dm7 G7>*2")
      x=>x.struct("[~ x]*2").voicing()


    Turns numbers into notes in the scale (zero indexed). Also sets scale for other scale operations, like Pattern#scaleTranspose.

    A scale consists of a root note (e.g. c4, c, f#, bb4) followed by semicolon (':') and then a scale type.

    The root note defaults to octave 3, if no octave number is given.

    • scale (string): Name of scale
    n("0 2 4 6 4 2").scale("C:major")
    n("[0,7] 4 [2,7] 4")
    .scale("C:<major minor>/2")


    Transposes all notes to the given number of semitones:

    This method gets really exciting when we use it with a pattern as above.

    Instead of numbers, scientific interval notation can be used as well:


    Transposes notes inside the scale by the number of steps:

    "[-8 [2,4,6]]*2"
    .scale('C4 bebop major')
    .scaleTranspose("<0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4>*2")

    rootNotes(octave = 2)

    Turns chord symbols into root notes of chords in given octave.

    Together with layer, struct and voicings, this can be used to create a basic backing track:

    "<C^7 A7b13 Dm7 G7>*2".layer(
      x => x.voicings('lefthand').struct("[~ x]*2").note(),
      x => x.rootNotes(2).note().s('sawtooth').cutoff(800)