In addition to the sampling engine, strudel comes with a synthesizer to create sounds on the fly.
Basic Waveforms
The basic waveforms are sine
, sawtooth
, square
and triangle
, which can be selected via sound
(or s
note("c2 <eb2 <g2 g1>>".fast(2)) .sound("<sawtooth square triangle sine>") ._scope()
If you don’t set a sound
but a note
the default value for sound
is triangle
You can also use noise as a source by setting the waveform to: white
, pink
or brown
. These are different
flavours of noise, here written from hard to soft.
sound("<white pink brown>")._scope()
Here’s a more musical example of how to use noise for hihats:
sound("bd*2,<white pink brown>*8") .decay(.04).sustain(0)._scope()
Some amount of pink noise can also be added to any oscillator by using the noise
note("c3").noise("<0.1 0.25 0.5>")._scope()
You can also use the crackle
type to play some subtle noise crackles. You can control noise amount by using the density
s("crackle*4").density("<0.01 0.04 0.2 0.5>".slow(2))._scope()
Additive Synthesis
To tame the harsh sound of the basic waveforms, we can set the n
control to limit the overtones of the waveform:
note("c2 <eb2 <g2 g1>>".fast(2)) .sound("sawtooth") .n("<32 16 8 4>") ._scope()
When the n
control is used on a basic waveform, it defines the number of harmonic partials the sound is getting.
You can also set n
directly in mini notation with sound
note("c2 <eb2 <g2 g1>>".fast(2)) .sound("sawtooth:<32 16 8 4>") ._scope()
Note for tidal users: n
in tidal is synonymous to note
for synths only.
In strudel, this is not the case, where n
will always change timbre, be it though different samples or different waveforms.
vibrato, v
Applies a vibrato to the frequency of the oscillator.
- frequency (number|Pattern): of the vibrato in hertz
note("a e") .vib("<.5 1 2 4 8 16>") ._scope()
// change the modulation depth with ":" note("a e") .vib("<.5 1 2 4 8 16>:12") ._scope()
Sets the vibrato depth in semitones. Only has an effect if vibrato
| vib
| v
is is also set
- depth (number|Pattern): of vibrato (in semitones)
note("a e").vib(4) .vibmod("<.25 .5 1 2 12>") ._scope()
// change the vibrato frequency with ":" note("a e") .vibmod("<.25 .5 1 2 12>:8") ._scope()
FM Synthesis
FM Synthesis is a technique that changes the frequency of a basic waveform rapidly to alter the timbre.
You can use fm with any of the above waveforms, although the below examples all use the default triangle wave.
Sets the Frequency Modulation of the synth. Controls the modulation index, which defines the brightness of the sound.
- brightness (number|Pattern): modulation index
note("c e g b g e") .fm("<0 1 2 8 32>") ._scope()
Sets the Frequency Modulation Harmonicity Ratio. Controls the timbre of the sound. Whole numbers and simple ratios sound more natural, while decimal numbers and complex ratios sound metallic.
- harmonicity (number|Pattern):
note("c e g b g e") .fm(4) .fmh("<1 2 1.5 1.61>") ._scope()
Attack time for the FM envelope: time it takes to reach maximum modulation
- time (number|Pattern): attack time
note("c e g b g e") .fm(4) .fmattack("<0 .05 .1 .2>") ._scope()
Decay time for the FM envelope: seconds until the sustain level is reached after the attack phase.
- time (number|Pattern): decay time
note("c e g b g e") .fm(4) .fmdecay("<.01 .05 .1 .2>") .fmsustain(.4) ._scope()
Sustain level for the FM envelope: how much modulation is applied after the decay phase
- level (number|Pattern): sustain level
note("c e g b g e") .fm(4) .fmdecay(.1) .fmsustain("<1 .75 .5 0>") ._scope()
Ramp type of fm envelope. Exp might be a bit broken..
- type (number|Pattern): lin | exp
note("c e g b g e") .fm(4) .fmdecay(.2) .fmsustain(0) .fmenv("<exp lin>") ._scope()
Wavetable Synthesis
Strudel can also use the sampler to load custom waveforms as a replacement of the default waveforms used by WebAudio for the base synth. A default set of more than 1000 wavetables is accessible by default (coming from the AKWF set). You can also import/use your own. A wavetable is a one-cycle waveform, which is then repeated to create a sound at the desired frequency. It is a classic but very effective synthesis technique.
Any sample preceded by the wt_
prefix will be loaded as a wavetable. This means that the loop
argument will be set to 1
by default. You can scan over the wavetable by using loopBegin
and loopEnd
as well.
samples('bubo:waveforms'); note("<[g3,b3,e4]!2 [a3,c3,e4] [b3,d3,f#4]>") .n("<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>/2").room(0.5).size(0.9) .s('wt_flute').velocity(0.25).often(n => n.ply(2)) .release(0.125).decay("<0.1 0.25 0.3 0.4>").sustain(0) .cutoff(2000).cutoff("<1000 2000 4000>").fast(4) ._scope()
The “Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth” ZZFX is also integrated in strudel. Developed by Frank Force, it is a synth and FX engine originally intended to be used for size coding games.
It has 20 parameters in total, here is a snippet that uses all:
note("c2 eb2 f2 g2") // also supports freq .s("{z_sawtooth z_tan z_noise z_sine z_square}%4") .zrand(0) // randomization // zzfx envelope .attack(0.001) .decay(0.1) .sustain(.8) .release(.1) // special zzfx params .curve(1) // waveshape 1-3 .slide(0) // +/- pitch slide .deltaSlide(0) // +/- pitch slide (?) .noise(0) // make it dirty .zmod(0) // fm speed .zcrush(0) // bit crush 0 - 1 .zdelay(0) // simple delay .pitchJump(0) // +/- pitch change after pitchJumpTime .pitchJumpTime(0) // >0 time after pitchJump is applied .lfo(0) // >0 resets slide + pitchJump + sets tremolo speed .tremolo(0) // 0-1 lfo volume modulation amount //.duration(.2) // overwrite strudel event duration //.gain(1) // change volume ._scope() // vizualise waveform (not zzfx related)
Note that you can also combine zzfx with all the other audio fx (next chapter).
Next up: Audio Effects…